NSPKU Conference
NSPKU hold conferences every year, in 2025 we are having two conferences, one in Scotland and one in Wales. The Scottish conference is flexible, you can join us with a 24 hour package or just for the day with various “add on” options. The Welsh conference is for one day. Check the NSPKU booking form for more details. The PKU diet is fully catered for, children have activities and there are speakers to give information on research, diet or living with PKU. The weekend conference is aimed at everyone living with PKU, including parents learning about PKU for the first time and adults with PKU looking for new ideas and support.
One of the benefits of NSPKU membership are discounted conference rates.
We also go “on the road” with regular one day regional conferences around the UK.
Try and join us!
Hotel Booking for 2025 Conferences:
NSPKU Scotland Conference
12th April 2025
Glasgow Westerwood Hotel Spa and Golf Course
All bookings and enquiries via info@nspku.org (not via the hotel)
TO BOOK: Please fill in the form below and send to Alison at info@nspku.org
Why visit conference?
Let our visitors explain in their own words…
Kelly, a parent attending for the first time said:
“As this was our first conference we did not know what to expect but we made lots of new friends and everyone made us so welcome. We got to learn new things too."
Jenni, an adult with PKU said:
“I went to my first conference 10 years ago… Since I became a mum I have taken my partner and children with me to conference. It’s not only a great experience for me but gives my partner a chance to learn about my PKU.”